Dear Rónán Mullen,
I am a concerned young adult. What about? I am extremely concerned by the support you have given to Rape Culture in public. I am concerned about your misunderstanding of equality. I am gravely concerned by your dismissals of mental health. Could I continue listing off why you concern me? Yes. Yes. Yes, I absolutely could but I do not think that you are worth me listing your flaws when Twitter users have already done so. I would give you the benefit of the doubt, as some of my peers have had pleasant civil discussions with you but after your participation in a public debate in my university in May this year where you belittled members of the audience (majority young female students of the university) on both sides of the debate - I knew that you were a lost cause, a person I could not warm up to or excuse in any circumstances even if you are technical alumnus of my educational institution..
I will be the first to admit, we all mess up, but it is how we go about redeeming ourselves and proving our strength of character that makes a person likeable. You categorically do not handle your mistakes well. You pretend that we, your critics, are all hyper sensitive snowflakes but when it comes to a point when some of my peers, who would have been open to hearing your case for argument don’t even want to hear your nonsense… you know it has gone tits up for you and for good reason too.
But why do I care? Why am I wasting time out of my life to write this open letter which you will probably never read? You set me off. You triggered me with your dumbfounded and blind sighted remarks about unwanted sex on Twitter. I have to drop a bombshell on you, which you ought to have already know as a trained barrister. Unwanted Sex = Rape. The sheer definition of rape is non consensual and unwanted sex. Do not act ignorant. You know this is the definition and I do not need to tell you this. I am an education student not a law student and I know this key fact because I have common sense and the cop on to use Google if in doubt. You are perpetuating rape culture with these comments. Do not be part of the problem. It is so wrong. We have a problem with rape culture in Ireland; consent is being treated as a novelty when it is just straight up an essential part of sex. Without consent, sex is unwanted and by law is considered rape. As a senator and barrister, you have a responsibility to educate yourself and use your unique position of power to influence cultural attitudes toward rape in a sensitive and positive way… instead of trying to excuse rape. Stop. Excusing. Rape. Full Stop.
I owe you nothing. NUI Graduates owe you nothing- remember that at the next election cycle. As a DCU alumnus, you have made us students in DCU look like we are clueless which is unbelievably unfair as we do care about consent and not only that, we want to improve communication and understanding in our peers- stop embarrassing us. As a Kings Inn graduate, you have let yourself and your fellows down by not understanding basic law on consent.
Ms Sorcha Ní Chonghaile