All good things must come to an end. Yes, you've guessed correctly: Yuppa has thus come to an end.
I created this site in late December for an amalgamation of reasons, particularly because I wanted to give young people an outlet I didn't have in my teens. Also to cure boredom but let's not dwell on that! It was an escape from my Leaving Cert woes, it was an excuse for this anxiety-riddled teen to get to know my friends better, it was an expression - a creative brainchild of ten young people.
Yuppa has since expanded in such a short time. A team of nearly twenty young people, guest writers, and the site was a finalist in this year's Blog Awards Ireland. Gosh, it was only launched in February, and I'm filled with so many happy little memories. It warms my heart most looking back thinking of all of the submissions for poetry, photography, and articles (and then some!); how I could put myself into people's shoes and share that with the world. Yuppa made me so happy. A selfish thought I will have and keep unapologetically.
There is a time where even the best of things in the world must move on, and I feel as though Yuppa's time has come. It has run for several month's time and all of the writers (myself included) have given their all. That's all I could ever ask for. So, I'm placing Yuppa on an indefinite pause. I may start it back up and relaunch it bigger and better than ever. I may leave it permanently to look back on as a decorative achievement of mine. Whatever the case, Yuppa will remain here in this state so you can browse through our old creative writing pieces, photography, poetry, and articles. I feel it is worth remembering and perhaps cringing over in the not-too-distant future.
To all of my fantastic content-creators, thank you so much for your time and energy. Please do stay in touch!
To all of my fantastic readers, thank you for joining us on the ride.
To you all, thank you for the amazing journey.
It has been a blast.
Goodbye for now,
Eboni Burke, Editor-in-Chief