For as long as I can remember one of my life goals has been to find true happiness. I have also found that this is a shared goal with many of my friends and indeed people all over the world. There are various things in life that make each person happy, including hobbies, family time or hanging out with friends. However, I have found that even in times of happiness there are constantly worries, fears or troubles piping up in the back of my mind.
It seems an easy goal to achieve and yet so far I have not had much luck. It has made me think about the concept of true happiness. Is there such a thing? Is there such a state of being that is true happiness? Unfortunately these questions can’t simply be answered by mindlessly typing it into Google.
Perhaps true happiness for me lies in a future career or a future relationship. Perhaps finding true happiness comes with age. Or, perhaps I will never find true happiness. Perhaps it doesn’t exist…
We humans are very simple creatures when it comes down to it. Most of us never strive for greatness and will (very happily) settle for ‘good enough’. This is why I have my doubts about finding true happiness. Maybe simply being happy is ‘good enough’.
I also doubt I will ever find true happiness because of things outside of my control. In retrospect I suppose most things are out of my control (if you believe that everything happens for a reason). In particular, political tensions and crime or accident risks. These outside factors will always be a part of my life (thanks to technology and our festering need to know what is happening in this world). I suppose ignorance really is bliss!
Another reservation I have about true happiness seems silly but here it is… if I do find true happiness, will I know it is in fact true happiness? Being a bit of a perfectionist myself I do tend to continuously strive for better and always look for ways of improving things. And isn’t true happiness as perfect as it gets… Therefore, I fear that I may miss my experience of true happiness because I will be looking for an even better experience. I suppose this does require a change in mentality and perhaps if I simply live in the moment, every moment, it will be easier to experience true happiness more often!
-C.J. Ryan, lead writer