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"I started Yuppa to give myself and many others a creative outlet. A place to empower other young people, a place to find out more about yourself and other things, and a place to begin. Yuppa is a blank sheet of paper. I will always ensure that Yuppa is an outlet for young voices to self-express. That's my role here." - Eboni Burke, founder of Yuppa.

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Young People and the 8th Amendment

Writer's picture: YuppaYuppa

The referendum to remove the 8th amendment from the constitution of Ireland is fast approaching. This debate has been one of threats, despair, grey areas, and vile attacks on both sides, with both arguments being extremely emotionally charged. The one common ground that both Pro Choicers and Pro Lifers can agree on however is that, regardless of the outcome, this will undoubtedly affect young people in Ireland for years to come.

Seeing as young people (*under the age of 18 who can form opinions in this debate but cannot vote*) are often not discussed during these campaigns, I figured it would be a good idea interview a few of them for this article.

It's important to note that the young people in the article may have opinions that you disagree with. I would ask that you treat these young people with the upmost respect, that you do not attack them for their beliefs or try to discredit them in any way. This article is meant to show both sides of this debate in an unbiased manner. It also does not reflect the opinions of Yuppa.

Gavin Harte (in two minds)

"Pregnancy isn't a single player mode"

1) Have you chosen a side in this referendum?

I won't say I chose one but I'm not against it, to me this is more of a case to case type of referendum and must be treated with care, these are lives we are voting on.

2) Does religion/spirituality play a part in deciding to be pro-life?

To me, no as I said I'm not one to deny or grant anything based on religion or spiritually.

3) Did you conduct any research about abortion during the lead up to the referendum? 

We have had classes in both biology and religion on this subject and neither were biased, it was up to us to decide. I've had relatives who have had abortions and I've talked with them; some say it's because they were too young, stupid, and immature, some say it wasn't suitable in their own situations. As I said no one is the same.

4) Part of the Save the 8th campaign is to provide better services for pregnant women in Ireland, do you think there are any services aside from abortion that Ireland could be providing to our pregnant women?

More education is a must, speaking openly about such matters and educating not only teenage girls about pregnancy but also teenage boys and how they affect the situation. Pregnancy isn't a single player mode, but yes more education, when we stop treating it as a hush subject then it will be more aware to people of all ages.

5) Do you think that there's any compromise that can be achieved between pro-lifers and pro-choicers? 

Yes I do believe there's compromise, as I said I'd vote yes but only if it is a way to help poor unfortunate kids not if it's treated as a new was of contraception, then I would vote no. Life is valuable but sometimes unwanted but valued nonetheless.

6) Do you feel as though you were judged unfairly for being pro-life?

I feel you'll be judged no matter what you vote for, for anything at all.

7) Do you think that media outlets portray the debate on the 8th fairly? 

To an extent, truthful media does, but I've seen a few advertising falsely on both parties. 

8) Do you think men should be allowed to have an equal say in a) this debate and b) if his partner tries to get an abortion in general? 

Of course, as I said it isn't a single player mode. It's 2018, men are getting more parental rights then ever before, it should be valid for them to speak out and not thrown the "it's not your body" but saying that, it isn't theirs. If the girl has no other possible choice then it isn't as simple as saying yes or no, it is the mother who carries the baby.

9) If you could change anything about the pro-life campaign, would you, and if so, what would it be?

For either of the campaigns I'd have more civilised interviews or people giving their sides of the story, let a girl who has had an abortion speak or someone who didn't have less political opinions and more civilian opinions.

10) If you could give one piece of information to an undecided person to convince them to vote for either side, what would it be?

I wouldn't try convince anyone to vote yes or no, simply because it's not up to me to decide who gets to vote or get what they want, I can only educate myself on the subject and make my own vote, and I encourage people to do the same, look it up yourself and make your own decision, no one knows how it'll effect them in the future.

Zoe McQuillan (pro life)

"We must all realise that we stand on a common ground: we want what's best for women."

1) Why did you choose to be pro life?

I chose to be pro-life because I feel that there is always a better option than abortion. No women in my opinion should ever have to endure the suffering of having an abortion nor should any child’s death be justified by this kind of violence. I don’t ever like to think that the government could possibly have control over an unborn babies life. This is a human right to live and we should never even think of letting our government have control over this!

2) Does religion/spirituality play a part in deciding to be pro life?

Religion most definitely does not play a part in my decision to be pro-life. Although I am catholic I wouldn’t consider myself a very religious person. Although, I would like to be part of a church I just don’t attend Mass as much as I should! Again my decision to be pro-life falls back on my view of abortion being murder and that in my opinion is wrong.

3) Did you conduct any research about abortion before choosing to be pro life?

Yes, I absolutely researched every aspect of what this referendum is about before choosing to be pro-life! In fact, I always thought actually women should have a choice! But then I decided to look deeper into the subject to realise its not just a women’s body!! A woman hasn’t got 2 heart beats! 4 arms and 4 legs! Of course yes it’s a woman’s body but again there is a living being in her belly that has purpose and in my opinion nobody should ever have the right to tear away this purpose!! Our unborn babies deserve better!

4) Part of the Save the 8th campaign is to provide better services for pregnant women in Ireland, what services do you think we could provide other than abortion?

Aid for pregnant mothers and single ones in particular. We should make these two lives our priority always. They deserve the best we have to offer and this ensures keeping both lives safe and neither of more importance than the other. Financial aid would be of great benefit also to single mothers in a crisis pregnancy. Improving our adoption services is vital in Ireland as if we vote to Save the 8th, these babies should not be automatically brought to England instead but should be cared for and nourished on their native land.

5) Do you think that there's any compromise that can be achieved between pro lifers and pro choicers?

Yes of course. We must all realise that we stand on a common ground: We want what's best for women. And we want to help those women who travel to England for abortions.

6) Do you feel as though you were judged unfairly for being pro life?

Yes I absolutely I feel as though I’ve been judged unfairly by being pro life! I think people who are voting yes have the impression that I just want babies to live when in actual fact we LOVE BOTH!! Or how people all throw the religious aspect at everyone who’s pro life, like, I don’t believe in god and I’m pro life - religion has no influence on my opinion. When it comes to just my friends and I, we all respect each other’s views and that’s all we can really do.. at the end of the day we aren’t old enough to vote so it’s just going to be one word against another.

7) Do you think that media outlets portray the debate on the 8th fairly?

No, I don’t think media outlets portray the debate fairly at all, I think the media has a habit of giving wrong facts and figures to try and influence people’s votes which I think is absolutely wrong. I think people have the right to know exactly what it is they are voting for and I don’t think the media does a great job in saying what it is exactly we will be voting for if the 8th is repealed.

8) I know that you canvass for Love Both, have you had any positive or negative experiences while canvassing?

I’ve had both positive and negative experiences with canvassing with the Love Both campaign!!

I’ve had great feedback in the sense that when people are willing to have a conversation about the 8th amendment and we share different views, it’s nice to see people listen to why I personally don’t think the 8th should be repealed. I’ve also had people who were originally voting yes have that conversation with myself and my fellow prolifers and the opinions happen to change a lot of the time.

Also, I’ve had negative feedback too in the sense that some people just don’t want to listen and are absolutely just "repeal" and no question about it! I think these are the type of people who don’t want to associate or speak openly about this topic to any pro-lifer!

9) If you could change anything about the pro life campaign, would you, and if so, what would it be?

Not being biased or anything but I really don’t think I’d change anything about the pro life campaign! I think it’s doing great in the last remaining weeks to the Save the 8th vote! Of course, we could do with more funding for the likes of street sessions and posters but other than that I can’t complain! I love it!

10) If you could give one piece of information to an undecided person to convince them to Vote No, what would it be?

If I could give one piece of information I’d simply ask the question of do you think Ireland would benefit greatly from abortion being legalised? And abortion on demand? I’d then explain to them how instead of having abortion legal in our country why can’t we spend this money to put towards our support services and adoption services in order for both the child and the mother in a crisis pregnancy can be cared for and loved!! We need to empower these women to believe I CAN DO IT!! And start relying on our support services instead of turning to abortions. If a mother’s life is at risk the child will be delivered early in order to save the mother’s life. Therefore a mother will never be in risk in a crisis pregnancy physically. Doctors and nurses will do all they can to ensure both the woman and the child are cared for.

Mary Kate Carolan (pro choice)

"It is more important than ever to not back down and to stay strong in your views"

1) Why did you choose to be pro choice?

I chose to be pro choice as I ultimately believe that every woman should have the right to bodily autonomy and one should not have to remain pregnant against their will and seen as merely a walking incubator. I am tired of having people who will never be pregnant again or can’t, decide what is right for me and my body and countless other young women across Ireland. The reality is that if you’re pro life you are in favor of unregulated abortion which is happening right now whereas if you’re pro choice you know that regulated abortion is far safer.

2) What is your view on the current legislation surrounding the repeal of the 8th amendment being proposed by Simon Harris and An Taoiseach?

My view on the current legislation is positive. I believe that this is good legislation that will allow women to have a choice and if people want to give out about how liberal the 12 week limit is, the reality is that this places Ireland at the more conservative end of the abortion spectrum in Europe apart from Malta.

3) Did you conduct any research about abortion before choosing to be pro choice?

Yes I did, I decided to read the Citizen Assembly’s report before I made up my mind and it greatly informed my decision. Personal experiences also contributed to my own pro choice views.

4) Do you think celebrities should be allowed to express a view on the 8th amendment and influence their fans?

Celebrities and everyone else deserve to outline their views and opinions as we live in a democratic nation. I do believe that when you have a platform it is important to speak up for what you believe in regardless of your views. However, I do not endorse those who pressure their views onto their audiences. I am quite happy though at the amount of influencers and bloggers asking young people to register to vote as youth turnout should be regarded with the utmost importance.

5) Do you think that there's any compromise that can be achieved between pro lifers and pro choicers?

I think there can be compromises achieved but we need to find common ground and have respectful and fact filled dialogue before we can manage that.

6) Do you feel as though you were judged unfairly for being pro choice?

Yes, especially by older family members outside of my immediate family. I am 17 years old and I have done my research, have my facts and outline them respectfully but to have older people say that you are for “ murder “ is quite annoying. I believe that with an issue like this that could affect me and others my age, it is more important than ever to not back down and to stay strong in your views.

7) Do you think that media outlets portray the debate on the 8th fairly?

I believe so, but I think there should be more coverage and more debates happening. I would like to see however a more diverse range of ages and colors and backgrounds apart from older white men in suits debating my uterus!

8 ) Do you think men should be allowed to have an equal say in a) this debate and b) if his partner tries to get an abortion in general?

Everybody should have the right to have an equal say but at the end of day men cannot become pregnant and do not realize that if a woman becomes pregnant she has no choice or autonomy with her body and she is the one stuck with that life altering situation. Men should have their own views yes, but also respect that it is my body and my choice and that nobody can make a decision for me.

9) If you could change anything about the pro choice campaign, would you, and if so, what would it be?

No, I don’t think I would change anything about the pro choice campaign, I am happy with how it is.

10) If you could give one piece of information to an undecided person to convince them to Vote Yes what would it be?

I would say to that person to ask them to make sure another frightened woman does not have to book a cheap Ryanair flight to England and to help the woman in her bathroom scared out of her mind taking illegal abortion pills because she has no choice. Abortion is happening in Ireland but all we’re doing is exporting the problem and treating women like second class citizens in their own country and making women wait for the courier with their baby’s ashes arrive at the door. We need to do better for women so no one can say that they “ had no choice “ again.

Whatever way you approach the debate on the 8th Amendment, we can all agree that those who will be most affected are women in the youngest generation and generations to come. Regardless of the outcome, they will have to enjoy or endure the consequences, and, with that in mind, it is vital to allow these women to be heard, whatever their views. This is why it was important to give these three young people a platform.

To conclude, I hope that those reading are registered to vote, and you have just over two weeks before the referendum, so be sure to check your facts and form your own view, and be respectful to those with different views. We're all in this together.

Beir bua

-Eboni Burke, editor-in-chief of Yuppa.


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