C.J.'s Poetry
The water had burned my skin
I could see the distorted lines
Of my red stomach
Through the cloudy water
It tingled
My body was patchy
Like an uneven sunburn
But the pain faded away
And took my mind with it
I submerged my head below the line
Where the elements met
My hair swam around my head
Bubbled of air huddled under my neck
In groups they raced to the surface
As my body gently moved
Each bubble tickling my ear
Before crossing the finish line.
Then I let go.
My head tilted back
Until my shoulders folded up
Like the peak of a mountain
The water swayed tantalizingly close
To my open eyes
My muscles went limp
They tingled
The creaking of the house conversed
With the creaking of my bones
And I lay there eavesdropping
Until it was time to go back.
High walls
You can't reach
Don't blame the builder for the bigger bricks
They followed my orders.
It's not my fault.
It's yours.
Jump higher to reach me.
Locked in my own tower.
I cannot be blamed
I'm protecting myself
If you jump over a low wall
You can easily jump back
I'll wait here.
Behind my shadowy cell. If you reach near the top
I'll call the builder again.
My Dear Sadness
Maybe in an odd way
I enjoy my sadness
It's the only one that grieves with me
in my darkest hours
It's the only one who has
waved goodbye when I
leave to join the happy ones
and welcomed me back
with wide open arms when
it was the happy ones who
hurt me
It's the only one that
has seen me at my worst
It's the same sad eyes that
look lovingly back at me
It's the same puffy lips that
speak those sweet words
It tells me I'll be ok
I can stay for as long as I like
And when my time out is over
it walks with me back
back to the happy side
It's my oldest friend
And friends are hard to say
goodbye to
even the worst ones
so when I hear the knocking
it's hard not to open it
my eyes filled with tears
of joy and sadness
my old friend is back
time for a hidden reunion
Away from you who disapprove
of our friendship
you want it gone
you like me better without it
maybe I do too
but I can't tell it to leave me
a part of me loves it
and won't I be lonely?
So I need your help
I'm finally asking
will you look out for me
listen for the knocking.
C.J.'s Collection of Short Poems